RV Ready: Best RV Fire Extinguisher Tips for Safe Adventures

RV Ready: Best RV Fire Extinguisher Tips for Safe Adventures

Essential Fire Safety Tips for RV Owners: What You Need to Know Before Hitting the Road

When you're out adventuring in your RV, fire safety should always be a top priority. Whether it's cooking up a meal, using electrical appliances, or handling flammable materials, the right fire extinguisher can make all the difference. Element is a compact fire extinguisher that's easy to use and store, especially in compact spaces like your RV. It won’t cause any additional damage or make a mess if you need to use it. Be prepared: know your vehicle and plan ahead to have peace of mind while on the road!

RV Fire Safety - Keys to Success for Fire Suppression 

Familiarize Yourself with Your Fire Extinguisher

Ensure your RV is equipped with the right fire suppression tools. A, B, C & K fires are all very common in an RV. Class A fires are fires caused by solid combustibles. Make sure you keep anything flammable away from danger areas such as the engine, RV stove, or anything else that generates a lot of heat. Class B fires are flammable liquids and gasses, which may be a result of an engine failure or a broken propane tank. Class C fires are electrical fires. Electrical fires can be caused by overheating or malfunctioning electrical appliances or damaged wires. Class K fires are cooking-related fires. Be cautious when cooking with oil or grease in your camper, as they are very easily combustible!

In case of emergency, your fire extinguisher should always be ready and available. Element is rated for fire classes A, B, C and K, keeping you covered for all the major fire classes. Make sure you are familiar with how to operate your extinguisher, where it is stored, and be prepared!

Maintaining RV Fire Safety Equipment

Ensure your fire suppression devices in your RV are up-to-date. For maximum protection, install a smoke alarm, CO2 detector, and have a fire extinguisher mounted in an easily-accessible place within your RV. 

A traditional fire extinguisher needs to be maintained every month and inspected once a year to verify that it is still effective; they also expire every 6 years! Element does not expire, require maintenance, or make a mess in case of a fire. If you don't have Element yet, always make sure your extinguisher has not expired prior to your next trip. 

Test your RV smoke alarms periodically to confirm that they are working and your battery is fresh. If you hear your smoke alarm making a chirping sound, this is a good indicator that you should replace the battery.

Create A Fire Escape Plan

Know your RV, and know your plan in case of emergency - determine multiple exit routes for your recreational vehicle. Exit routes could include doors, windows, a sunroof or any other point of exit. Planning a designated meeting spot outside is another part of creating an escape plan. This could be a landmark nearby or even a neighboring residence.

The Best Fire Extinguisher for Your RV

Choose the best fire extinguisher for your RV. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher that is easy to use, right where you need it, and is rated for all the major fire classes like A, B, C & K. Be sure to look closely, many extinguishers will cover 2, perhaps 3 but not all 4 major fire classes. Your RV fire extinguisher should be located in a spot you are familiar with and have easy access to. You also need to be able to access it quickly in case of an emergency, that's why Element's small size is ideal for RVs, there's not always a lot of space for extinguishers.

Portable Fire Suppression - The Element Extinguisher!

Element is a handheld, portable fire extinguisher that weighs just 0.5 lbs and is only 10.75 inches in length! Element is quick and easy to operate: simply discard the cap, remove the striker from the base, and scratch the striker to the tip of the extinguisher. In seconds, your Element will expel a safe-to-breathe gas that will interrupt the chemical chain reaction of fire, extinguishing it with no mess! Traditional extinguishers typically last for 10 seconds, while Element discharges for 50 seconds - that's right; Element is 10x lighter and discharges 5x longer than a traditional extinguisher! 

Element has a variety of accessories that can be utilized in an RV setting to make it super accessible and convenient. For example, stick the Magnetic Mount right to your RV fridge for easy access to control any unwanted cooking fires.

Your RV is for recreation! Equip yourself with the fire extinguisher that will give you peace of mind so you can focus on that scenic lake, the tranquility of the forest and enjoy the time with your family. A safe camper is a happy camper!
