The Benefits of Clean Agent Extinguishers

The Benefits of Clean Agent Extinguishers

Clean Agent Fire Systems will not cause additional damage to your property or valuables like other fire protection systems. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) defines a "clean agent" as a gaseous fire extinguishing agent that is electrically non-conductive and does not leave a residue upon evaporation (source). Previously, clean agent fire suppression systems were used around historical artifacts, high value art and expensive electronic systems. As you can imagine, these systems came with hefty price tags. 

Two of the most expensive types of clean fire suppression systems use halocarbon agents and inert gas agents. A less expensive (but still pricey) type of clean agent is Carbon dioxide (CO2) but it is often categorized differently because of the dangers associated with using it to extinguish the fire.

If only there was a way to protect your valuable assets without the huge price tag!

Enter Element. When it comes to clean agent extinguishers, Element is in a class of its own. Element is effective in extinguishing classes A, B, C & K (the most classes out of the extinguishers reviewed), it is also less expensive. The secret lies in the patented gaseous fire extinguishant compound that is simple to use.

Element is used by racing enthusiasts, rock crawlers, police, military, special forces, grillers, and families around the world. So small, you can keep it within reach to suppress the fire and release the clean agent of Element without causing additional fire damage to your home, car, auto, or any other valuables, even if it is the pictures from your kids on the fridge.

The Dangers of CO2 Extinguishers

Carbon dioxide in a confined space can be fatal. A concentration as low as 17% can rapidly cause unconsciousness, coma, and death. When used around people, CO2 fire suppression systems have a high risk of suffocation so they're not suitable for occupied spaces!

Regular Extinguishers

Before Element, the only affordable extinguishers were water or powders. They're still the cheapest and while they'll extinguish a fire, they will damage your car or the artwork on your fridge. They are not clean agents! With the advanced and affordable clean agent extinguishing system of Element, cleanup and additional damage are things of the past.


Clean Agent System Cost Comparison 
